The festival general after the LPG fire in Piteå: “Could have gone much worse”

One person is seriously injured after the fire that quickly flared up in a gas kitchen in a food stand at the festival Piteå dances and smiles on Thursday.

– A compliment to the person from the stand opposite who was quickly on the scene and put out the fire with a fire extinguisher. And to the security company that turned off the gas from the gas cylinder, says fire engineer Stefan Sjöberg at Piteå’s rescue service, who participated in the operation.

The seriously injured man is now being treated at the University Hospital in Uppsala. Two more people are being treated in hospital for minor injuries.

Gas leaked and ignited

– Fortunately, our security guards were in the food street when it happened. They quickly pushed all the people away from the place, says festival general Fredrik Nilsson.

The emergency services were quickly on the scene, but by then the situation was already under control.

– One person had already been transported away by ambulance and two people were cooled with a water hose and picked up by ambulance shortly afterwards, says Stefan Sjöberg.

What can you say about the progress of the fire?

– In some way, gas has leaked out and ignited, but what exactly happened must be determined by the police investigation, says Stefan Sjöberg.

In the clip, you hear the festival general about the course of events and how to act regarding security now.
