Måns Zelmerlöw and Ciara’s unexpected journey – after difficult times

Mans Zelmerlow and Ciaras unexpected journey after difficult times

In recent months, there have been rumors that the joints are cracking at the home of the Zelmerlöw couple. It all started with Ciara Johnson37, ensued Måns Zelmerlöw38, on Instagram.

After that, speculation took off and on social media, Måns was linked to a high-profile sex purchase that Stoppa pressarna wrote about. Måns quickly denied that he was involved in the scandal, but for The evening paper he told us that the couple was going through a difficult time.

– Right now, my wife and I are struggling to keep our relationship together. It is difficult and is not made easier by the fact that there is wild speculation about everything possible in the media and on social media. But when the rumor that I would be the sex buyer in Östermalm has reached such proportions now, I feel that it must be enough. I have never bought sex. It is someone else who is arrested and whoever it is will surely come forward in time, he then told the newspaper.

DO NOT MISS: Ciara Janson has followed Måns Zelmerlöw: “Anyone who knows…?”

Måns Zelmerlöw and his wife Ciara Janson have gone through a difficult time. Photo: Caisa Rasmussen/TTMåns and Ciara reunited during the summer

During the summer, the couple has been seen together, but even though everything seems to be peace and joy again, Ciara has not started following Måns on Instagram.

But spending time together doesn’t seem to be a problem. Now they have gone on a small family trip together with their children, which The Express was the first to report on. On Instagram Måns has shared a video from the cozy campsite.

“In the middle of the forest on Hallandsåsen, completely isolated from the outside world, with ALL the necessities and amenities you can imagine. You get to choose which protein you want to grill, and then you come to a fridge filled with fantastic ingredients, toilet and shower under the treetops, games for the whole family, FACE MASKS and the list never ends.”, writes Måns under the post and adds:

“Note. This is a long way from that camping holiday I was planning to take the boys on sometime, to teach them how to live in the wilderness.”

DO NOT MISS: Måns Zelmerlöw’s unexpected move on stage – after tough times


Ciara Zelmerlöw breaks the silence: Completely heartbroken

Here, Ciara and Måns Zelmerlöw are reunited – after a difficult time apart

Måns Zelmerlöw breaks the silence after the rumor: “It’s difficult”
