Official start of the “political truce”, the opposition decides otherwise

Official start of the political truce the opposition decides otherwise

Although Emmanuel Macron has called for a “political truce” during the Olympic Games period, the left continues to hold meetings and various appeals.

The essential

  • This Friday is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games and therefore marks the beginning of the “political truce” declared by Emmanuel Macron.
  • The president refuses to appoint a prime minister before the end of the Games. If he could consider it after August 15, it will depend on “the progress of the discussions” because he also does not want to appoint a prime minister who does not have the support of a majority of elected representatives in the National Assembly, that is to say at least 289 deputies forming a coalition based on a government project. This could therefore still wait weeks.
  • If the name of Lucie Castets for Matignon seemed to be unanimous on the left, Emmanuel Macron has closed the door to this option. Meetings and encounters are multiplying on the left and appear as a refusal of the “political truce”.
  • The various left-wing parties are also trying to take legal action against members of the resigning government, particularly concerning the latter’s multiple mandates.


17:40 – Environmentalists file an appeal with the Council of State

For several days, the left has been trying to clarify the accumulation of functions caused by the resignation of the government. The environmentalists then filed an appeal before the Council of State in order to prove that the so-called organic law, governing the articulation of time between a mandate as a deputy and functions in the government, “contravenes the spirit of the Constitution”. This appeal targets the ministers who resigned from the Gabriel Attal government who were able to vote in the Assembly as a deputy, while continuing to manage the current affairs of the government.

17:00 – A bill to speed up the appointment of the Prime Minister?

According to Public Sénat, the communist senators have tabled a bill with the aim of “clarifying the status of a resigning government”. In the first article, the deadline for appointing a new Prime Minister after the resignation of a government would be eight days maximum, a modification of the article of the Constitution. This would bring it before the end of the Olympic Games. The second aims to apply to the members of a resigning government Article 23 of the Constitution, which stipulates that the functions of a member of the government are incompatible with the exercise of any parliamentary mandate. To revise the Constitution, the text must be voted on in the Senate and the National Assembly and then submitted to the people by referendum.

16:30 – The executive remains on alert

If the Olympic Games and the truce start, the executive is still paying attention to the situation. The ministers have also been ordered to “choose a destination compatible with their responsibilities” for their leave since they are still part of the resigning government. According to Politico, a Council of Ministers could be convened in mid-August. If this could be an opportunity to take stock of the Olympic Games, which end on the 11th, and before the Paralympics which begin on the 28th, it is also the deadline mentioned by Emmanuel Macron for a potential change of government.

15:40 – The left continues the discussions

On the left, “political truce” does not seem to be on the agenda. Last night, the PS held a council for nearly three hours during which the question of the alliance with LFI was at the heart of the discussions, according to Politico. In addition, the four leaders of the NFP, Olivier Faure, Manuel Bompard, Marine Tondelier and Fabien Roussel also met yesterday afternoon for a review by videoconference. They also reportedly exchanged Lucie Castets. We are preparing “the next few days and the start of the school year”, indicated the Insoumis Manuel Bompard yesterday. In Le Monde, Olivier Faure spoke of the need to “build the agenda for change”.

15:23 – The “political truce” begins

This Friday is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The French president recently called for a “political truce” throughout the Olympic Games period. “Now it’s the Olympics,” the head of state said during his interview. The resigning government will therefore remain in place to manage current affairs and the Prime Minister could only be appointed after the end of this global event, according to Emmanuel Macron.

Learn more

How soon will the new government be appointed?

The President announced that he wanted to wait for the “structuring” of the Assembly (in particular the constitution of the groups and the election of their presidents) to appoint a new head of government. In a letter to the French people published on July 10, he also considered that it was necessary to “give the political forces a little time to build [des] compromise with serenity and respect for everyone. Until then, the current Government will continue to exercise its responsibilities and will then be in charge of current affairs as is the republican tradition.”

Given the composition of the National Assembly, the President of the Republic has set himself the task of finding a Prime Minister capable of gathering the support of at least 289 deputies, in order to ensure stability. The same applies to the ministers that the latter will then have to propose. Otherwise, the new government as a whole would be exposed to a motion of censure which, if voted for by more than half of the elected representatives, would lead to the overthrow of the ministerial team. It would therefore be necessary to start all over again.

The problem is that Emmanuel Macron will have to accommodate all sensitivities, from the left of course, from the center naturally, but also from the right. If the NFP came out on top, the head of state has already ruled out governing with the LFI deputies. So out goes these sixty elected officials, who could be compensated by the sixty LR who should once again join the Palais Bourbon. Finding personalities who suit the ecologists, socialists, communists, macronists and republicans will not be easy. Not to mention the programmatic points on which everyone will have to agree. The negotiations are still expected to be long and complex. Suffice to say that Gabriel Attal should make extra…

Long and complex negotiations also took place on the left, before the NFP reached an agreement, on Tuesday, July 23, just an hour before Emmanuel Macron’s interview on France 2. After several weeks of procrastination, the left-wing parties of the NFP agreed on the name of the senior civil servant, spokesperson for Our Public Services, Lucie Castets, for Matignon. However, Emmanuel Macron stated that he would not appoint a new Prime Minister before the end of the Olympic Games “in mid-August” and who would not come from a coalition.
