MSF denounces recurring “massacres of civilians” and describes a desperate situation

MSF denounces recurring massacres of civilians and describes a desperate

Six months ago, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) highlighted the plausible risk of genocide underway in Gaza. In an extremely serious judgment, it ordered Israel to take measures to prevent this genocide and to facilitate the delivery of massive humanitarian aid. In March, this order was reiterated because of the imminent danger of famine. Today, this famine has taken hold throughout the enclave, as attested by a report by independent UN experts.

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On the ground, conditions continue to deteriorate. Doctors Without Borders (MSF), which has 300 Palestinians and 20 international staff on the ground, regularly warns of the worsening humanitarian situation. Isabelle Defourny, president of the NGO, denounces recurring massacres of civilians and describes a desperate situation. To give you an idea, in July alone, the medical teams of Doctors Without Borders at Nasser Hospital, one of the few still functioning facilities in southern Gaza, recorded five mass influxes of wounded. These wounded come from bombings in camps, displacements in schools, and massacres of civilian populations. »

The situation is all the more critical because of the population’s inability to seek refuge far from the conflict zones. The population cannot move away from the areas of warMedical aid and hospitals are often located remotely in relatively safer areas, but this is not enough to guarantee adequate protection. ” explains the president.

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Desperate living conditions and international responsibilities

Living conditions in Gaza have become almost unsustainable: homes are destroyed, roads are devastated. What is even more shocking is that rich and powerful countries, such as the United States, are playing a role in the continuation of this massacre and crisis. The current situation could be judged as genocide. “, adds Isabelle Defourny.

Calls are growing for the international community to urgently intervene to alleviate this humanitarian crisis. The international community, whose inaction appears complicit in a tragedy of great proportions, is called upon to act to prevent further suffering and restore the dignity of the people of Gaza.

Read alsoWar in Gaza: In Deir al-Balah, there is no more water
