The tourist destination where you can get a beer – absolutely free

The tourist destination where you can get a beer

The holiday season is here and many people choose to spend their free time abroad. In several tourist resorts, however, people have grown tired of the annual influx of foreign visitors.

In Ibiza, Menorca and Mallorca, among others, a series of reprisals have been introduced to force tourists to behave. A law has been introduced that prohibits people from drinking alcoholic beverages within a certain area and at certain times.


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The tourist destination that offers free beer

Elsewhere, the opposite has been done. A popular tourist destination is now offering free beer to some tourists during the summer. If a free beer does not tempt you, there is the option of choosing a free lunch or a free boat trip.

It is in the Danish capital Copenhagen that this was introduced, something that P4 Malmöhus was the first to report on. Copenhagen’s official tourism organization Wonderful Copenhagen is behind the initiative.

The idea is not to attract more tourists, but instead for tourists to make a smaller climate footprint in the city.


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It may be enough to take public transport

As a result, several different activities that tourists can take part in have been put into use. For example, you can go on a boat trip and pick up litter.

In several parts of the city, however, it may be enough to have traveled by public transport in Copenhagen to get a free beer or meal.

In an interview with P4 Malmö house tells a hotel that if the visitor can show proof that he has traveled by public transport, he is offered a free beer as a reward.
