One year after the coup, deterioration of internal security and human rights

One year after the coup deterioration of internal security and

In Niger, several days of celebrations are planned starting this Friday to mark the CNSP’s seizure of power. That was exactly one year ago. On July 26, 2023, soldiers overthrew Mohamed Bazoum. Since then, the former president has been detained at the presidential residence with his wife; his immunity was lifted last month. Among the arguments put forward by the military at the time of the coup: the deterioration of the security situation in the country and poor economic and social governance. One year later, what assessment can be made in terms of domestic politics?

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No roadmap for transition to Niger… The inclusive national dialogue announced last August to define its main axes has not yet taken place.

THE General Tiani at the head of the CNSP, who has not yet taken the oath of office, had then promised that the duration of the transition would not exceed three years. He has not mentioned it since.

A year after the coup, the activities of political parties remain suspended, with no prospect of resumption. Elected bodies have been dissolved, including at the local level. The CNSP is piloting alone “, comments one observer.

In Nigerien civil society, several voices have expressed concern this year about a presidential decree that repeals controls on defense-related spending.

The security situation is deteriorating

Among the arguments put forward by the military at the time of the coup: the continued deterioration of the security situation in the country. One year later, what assessment can be made of the security situation?

When we look at the number of incidents, there were more serious or less serious incidents after the coup than before the coup and the number of casualties also increased among soldiers, reports Seidik Abba, President of CIRES, the International Center for Studies and Reflections on the Sahel, contacted by Magali Lagrange. These are factual elements.

There is also another fact, it is the geographical extension of the threat, perhaps with the intensification of the activities of JNIM, particularly in the border area with Burkina Faso and Benin; and of EIGS on the side of the 3 borders, (Niger, Benin, Burkina), we also feel that there is an intensification of activities; and (is it coincidence) even on the side of the South-East, in the basin of Lake Chad, Boko Haram which was relatively weakened, has taken over the axis between Diffa and Maïné. There have been attacks, so we note a certain intensification of the activities of terrorist groups with a penetration inside since the attacks, themselves, have progressed territorially inside the country. This is an element which is quite worrying and an indicator of the security situation.

Read alsoFight against terrorism in Niger: “This type of war cannot be won without the population”

Human rights in ‘free fall’

On the human rights side, the NGOs Human Rights Watch, Amnesty and FIDH are concerned. Human rights in free fall one year after the coup “, is the final assessment drawn up jointly by these three main international organizations working on the subject.

We are deeply concerned about the repression of civic and political space, but also of independent media.explains Illaria Allegrozzi, Sahel researcher for Human Rights Watch, at the microphone of David BacheShe is joined by David Baché. President Bazoum and his wife are still arbitrarily detained. Dozens of officials from the overthrown government, as well as people close to President Bazoum, are also in detention. Several journalists have been arbitrarily arrested or have been victims of intimidation and arrest. Since the coup, media freedom has been severely restricted. The authorities have harassed and threatened journalists, and many have told us that they are now practicing self-censorship because they are afraid of reprisals.

There cybercrime law has been revised to reinstate prison sentences for defamation through an information system. In June, the Minister of Justice and Human Rights announced the amendment of a law on cybercrime, resumesIllaria Allegrozzi. “Amending this law is a very dangerous step backwards that could be used to silence any voice deemed dissenting from human rights defenders, activists, journalists.”

The President Overthrown Mohamed Bazoum is still being held in the presidential palace with his wife. His immunity was lifted last month.

Read alsoNiger: Mohamed Bazoum, still determined not to give up despite his detention
