Sotkamo’s Jymy’s match was heard in English – Roope Korhonen broke the barrier again | Sports in a nutshell

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Sotkamon’s Jymy launched an English-language baseball match broadcast. It thus aims to make the sport available to a wider audience.

– Hello! It’s nest time!

That’s how it started Juuso Hyvönen broadcast of the match between Sotkamo’s Jymy and Imatra’s Pallo-Veikko in the men’s Superpesis on Thursday evening.

In addition to the initial greetings, shown throughout the Ruutu service match broadcast was exceptionally broadcast in English. Juuso was with Hyvönen in the commentary Janne Hyvönen.

Earlier in July, Sotkamon’s Jymy told on their websitethat the goal of launching an English-language TV broadcast is to bring baseball within reach of a wider international audience.

– Baseball has aroused wide international interest during the current season and already during the spring and winter. Piloting is the first step to measure interest and, on the other hand, an excellent opportunity for the entire baseball community to build a new, more international following around the sport, Superjymy oy’s marketing manager Olli Korhonen commented in the announcement at the time.

The club had also made match previews on its website in English.

In addition to showing the actual game events, Thursday’s English-language broadcast introduced the ins and outs of baseball by reviewing the rules and history of the sport.

At the beginning of the broadcast, an American also talked about his passion for baseball via video connection Ron Bronsonwho fifteen years ago came across the Finnish version of baseball and became interested in it.

– Our content production team has reached tens of millions of people on various social media channels this year. Most of them are from the United States, so this is a great opportunity to test the broadcast with English narration, CEO of Superpesis oy Olli Aro commented Superpesis on the website.

In addition to the Ruutu service, the game narrated in English will later be available for viewing on Superpesis’ YouTube channel. The club says it will make decisions about the continuation after the first broadcast.

Jymy won the match 2–0 (4–0, 2–1). Jymy’s batting joker Roope Korhonen broke 1600 runs scored in the match through the boundary wash as the first player in the men’s Superpesis regular season.
