G20, discussion on taxation of the super-rich: work is underway on a joint declaration

G20 discussion on taxation of the super rich work is underway

(Finance) – The G20 continues to talk about the possible introduction of a global taxation of the heritage of the super-rich pushed by Brazil. The States United “They support adequate taxation that ensures that high-income earners pay their fair share. With President Biden, we have provided for” taxes on the wealthy and we are in favor of “progressive taxation,” said the US Treasury Secretary, Janet Yellenat a press conference at the G20 in Rio de Janeiro. “We are happy to work with Brazil to promote this idea of ​​taxing the super-rich, but we believe that global coordination is difficult and it is preferable for each country to deal with its own tax system,” he added.

The Brazilian Finance Minister, Fernando Haddadwho chairs the G20 in Rio de Janeiro, stressed in an interview with Globo that several heads of state, such as the French president Emmanuel Macron and the American Joe Bidenhave shown sympathy for the proposal. Some projections estimate that the measure, once fully implemented, could raise between 200 and 250 billion a year. “This idea is gaining the support of several presidents. President Macron has already spoken about it, President Biden has done so, other heads of state and government have supported it. This week will be decisive, perhaps a declaration. TO level technicianthere is almost a consensus on a first declaration that will give impetus to the agenda. It is a very delicate construction, it will not happen from one day to the next. I would like to recall that the pillars of the OECD began ten years ago and have unfolded over the years”, said Haddad.

“On the Brazilian proposal for a tax on the super-rich, we are all aware that it is a matter for individual countries, difficult to overcome with global schemes, but I think that the difficulties do not undermine the common commitment, in fact in the document of the conclusions of this G20 there will be a common willingness to consider first steps in this direction”, the European Commissioner explained to Ansa, Paul Gentlemen.

The Italian Minister of Economy also expressed his opinion on the issue, Giancarlo Georgette that the Brazilian proposal is closely connected to the solution of the so-called two pillars of international taxation in the G20 agenda. On this point Giorgetti stressed that without a multilateral agreement a difficult context would be created to manage and hoped, in agreement with the United Nations, that the difficulties would be overcome.

(Photo: Kittyfly7 | Dreamstime.com)
