Frozen 2 dethroned by new fantasy film

Frozen 2 dethroned by new fantasy film

In mid-June, Inside Out 2 opened in cinemas with phenomenal numbers. Six weeks later, we can announce a record: The sequel, which has been celebrated by critics and audiences, has achieved box office results of 1.462 billion US dollars reached number 13 in the list of the most successful films of all time.

As the Hollywood Reporter reports, the latest Pixar adventure is the most successful animated film of all time. Frozen 2 previously held this position with 1.450 million US dollars. The race was only narrowly decided for now, but the cinema release of Inside Out 2 is not over.

Pixar’s fantasy sequel Inside Out 2 is now the most successful animated film of all time

While we eagerly follow how far Inside Out 2 will go climb the all-time list Disney Animation congratulates the Pixar high-flyer with an illustration in which the box office crown is symbolically handed over in the form of a torch.

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Pixar is also celebrating the success with an image that combines the emotions from Inside Out 2 around a large blue number one. This type of congratulations card is a tradition in Hollywood. Most recently, Marvel gave the box office crown back to the Avatar franchise after Avengers: Endgame was pushed from the top spot.

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After the impressive triumph of Inside Out 2, the new list of the most successful animated films in the billion-dollar club looks as follows:

However, there is one controversial case that completely calls the list into question: The Lion King. The remake of the Disney classic of the same name was released in 2019 and grossed $1.656 billion, making it theoretically the most successful animated film. To this day, however, there is disagreement about which category the film falls into.

Disney’s The Lion King remake turns everything on its head: live-action or animated film?

Is 2019’s The Lion King an animated film or a live-action film? This debate has been haunting us for five years. As Variety and Deadline note, Disney categorizes the film not as a classic animation filmIn the official announcement, the studio also danced around the live-action term.

We can officially confirm that Walt Disney Studios and director Jon Favreau are working on a reimagining of The Lion King. The project follows the technologically groundbreaking hit The Jungle Book, directed by Favreau, which premiered in April and grossed $965.8 million worldwide.

The fact is that The Lion King was created almost entirely with photorealistic animations. At first glance, it looks like a live-action film. But from a technical point of view, the situation is actually clear. The Lion King is an animated film. Only one shot is real, as IndieWire notes.

Nevertheless, the film seems to occupy a special, if not unique, position in the industry, as evidenced by the latest record-breaking reports. The discussion is likely to reignite when the second part, Mufasa: The Lion King, is released in cinemas. December 19, 2024 The film comes to German cinemas.
