School and precarious teachers, from tomorrow to August 7th the applications for permanent placements and substitutes

School and precarious teachers from tomorrow to August 7th the

(Finance) – The Ministry of Education and Merit has made known, with a specific Circular published today, the at your place to apply as a teacher for the substitutes annual (Gae and Gps) and temporary (school rankings) for the next school year: each aspiring teacher will be able to indicate a maximum of 150 preferences. Starting from 9:00 tomorrow, July 26, until August 7, at 14:00, the telematic functions will be made available for the submission of applications aimed at participating in the procedure referred to in the Ministerial Decree and that for the assignment of substitute teaching positions referred to in Article 2, paragraph 5, letters a) and b), of the Ministerial Ordinance. Applications must be submitted exclusively in telematic mode, pursuant to Legislative Decree 7 March 2005, no. 82, via the portal of the “Online applications“.

“The procedures of placements in rolethis year overall 45,000and substitute teaching will be managed by individuals Regional school offices – has explained Clear Cocklegeneral secretary of Anief, during a live broadcast on the Orizzonte Scuola channels – based on the directions ministerial: each office will determine everything on the basis of the chairs actually vacant and available and the numerical consistency of the rankings under its jurisdiction. In particular, each USR will have the power, on the basis of the rankings of merit and substitutes, how many chairs to assign to each individual competition class for permanent hiring”.

“The preferences of candidates, to the placements in roles, but for the substitutes – continued Cozzetto – this year involve methods that are a little different from the past: for example, it will be possible to enter the entire province code. Another possibility is to partially or completely withdraw the application, by a defined date and if the procedures have not yet been started, for roles or substitutes, because in the meantime the personal conditions have changed. Each candidate there is no exact order for choosing the 150 preferences: the basic rule is to start from the schools closest to your home. Therefore, it is important to be aware of what you want to achieve: if there is a school that is unreachable, it is better not to indicate it”, concluded the Anief union representative.
