“I am an emergency physician and here are the worst grandmother’s recipes not to apply”

I am an emergency physician and here are the worst

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    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director)

    To treat themselves, some people sometimes opt for grandmother’s recipes, the effectiveness of which is far from being proven. Our medical director Gérald Kierzek, also an emergency physician, tells us about these “tricks” tested by patients, which he regularly observes in the emergency room. Not to be reproduced at home.

    In the emergency room, doctors meet patients from all walks of life, who sometimes try certain “ancestral” methods to treat themselves.As emergency physicians, we see a number of “old wives’ tales” or “tricks” that can be ineffective or even dangerous. recalls Dr. Gérald Kierzek. Here are which ones.

    Drink alcohol to cool down

    Some people think that drinking alcohol can help cool down. In reality, the alcohol dehydrates the body and makes the situation worse. In case of heat stroke, it is essential to drink water or electrolyte drinks to stay hydrated” recalls the doctor.

    Take an ice bath

    Plunging a person suffering from heatstroke into an ice bath can cause thermal shock. “It is best to cool the body gradually by using cool, damp cloths or taking a lukewarm shower.” advises Gérald Kierzek.

    Use of non-sterile wound care products

    Honey or clay on an open wound: bad idea!Some recipes recommend applying honey or clay to open wounds. Although the Honey has antibacterial properties, it is not sterile and can induce infections. Clay, on the other hand, can contain contaminants and worsen the infection” the doctor estimates.

    Improper treatments for burns

    Along the same lines, you are certainly familiar with applying a fatty substance (butter or oil) or even toothpaste to a burn.Again, this is a common but dangerous practice.” warns the doctor.”These substances can trap heat in the skin and worsen the burn. It is best to use cold water and consult a healthcare professional for serious burns.”

    Drinking milk if you have ingested a toxic product

    “In the event of ingestion of a toxic product, do not give milk or induce vomiting, but call the emergency services or the Anti-Poison Center with the quantity and type of liquid ingested.” recommends the doctor.

    Remedies for respiratory disorders

    “Using some essential oils inhaled to treat colds or coughs can irritate the respiratory tract, especially in children and people with asthma. For example, peppermint essential oil can cause bronchial spasms” warns Gérald Kierzek.

    Before concluding : “Although home remedies may seem harmless and natural, they are not always safe or effective. It is essential to turn to scientifically validated treatments and to consult a health professional when in doubt..

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