Police kicked the man in the head – suspended from work

A police officer has been caught on film kicking and stomping on a man’s head at Manchester Airport.
The incident spread on social media and has sparked major protests against
Greater Manchester Police, GMP.
Now the policeman has been suspended from his job and an investigation is underway.

It was on Tuesday evening shortly before nine thirty that the police were alerted to an assault at Terminal 2 at Manchester Airport, British media reports.

A police patrol was called, a commotion ensued and a bystander managed to capture on film a policeman with a stun gun in hand kicking and stomping on a man’s head. The man lies face down on the floor. Next to him lies another man who also appears to have been subjected to violence.

According to the patrol that was on the scene, three of the police officers had been injured and there was a “clear risk” that the suspects would try to snatch the policemen’s firearms. Four men are said to have been arrested for violence against rescue personnel.

Had to go to the hospital ourselves

Lawyer Akhmed Yakoob represents two of the men who were arrested at the airport. They have been allowed to leave Cheadle Police Station in Stockport.

“They then had to get to the hospital on their own, but because they had head injuries it was the duty of the police to take them to a hospital,” Akhmed Yakoob told Sky News and continued:

“But anyway they got there themselves and now I have documented their injuries and we are on our way to Rochdale police station to make a formal complaint of assault and battery by the police.”

The video, which has been shared on social media, has sparked outrage and on Wednesday night 200 protesters gathered outside Rochdale police station, shouting the words “GMP shame on you!”.

The policeman was suspended

Following the protests, GMP has said it understands the public may feel “deep concern and concern” and has launched an investigation.

In a public statement they write:

“Following a thorough review of further information that has become available in relation to an incident at Manchester Airport on Tuesday evening, Greater Manchester Police has suspended an officer from the service.”

GMP also announced that a policewoman who was at the scene had her nose broken and that two other police officers were forced to the ground, which later led to them needing medical attention.
