The Socialist Party appeals to the Council of State

The Socialist Party appeals to the Council of State

The Socialist Party appealed to the Council of State on Wednesday, expressing concern about thecertain regulatory acts, including a series of appointments, which, in his eyes, “exceed the prerogatives of the government » resigned, and « the framework of current affairs “, in a letter published by the daily newspaper The world.

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The Socialist Party criticises the government for several appointments since the dissolution, such as that on 26 June of a new deputy secretary general for National Security.

The French government is resigned since July 16 Also, for the leaders of the socialist party, these recent appointments “ go beyond the scope of current affairs “They therefore ask the Council of State ” to ensure real-time monitoring of decisions taken “.

In a letter to the Vice-President of the Council of State Didier-Roland Tabuteau, the leader of the PS Olivier Faure emphasizes that ” never to our knowledge has a government had to manage current affairs for so long “, since Emmanuel Macron indicated that he would not proceed with the appointment of a new government before mid-August.

One can legitimately question the exercise of regulatory power, and the recent series of appointments to management positions within the central administration with deferred start dates. “, the party worries.

This looks like pressure being exerted by the left on the President of the Republic 24 hours after the Emmanuel Macron’s refusal to appoint a new Prime Minister at Matignon, in this case the candidate of the New Popular Front, Lucie Castetsunder the pretext of an Olympic truce.

Read alsoFrance: The New Popular Front stands firm against Emmanuel Macron

At the beginning of the month, Marine Le Penleader of the National Rally, had also suspected the government of a ” administrative coup ” after a series of announced appointments.

Let us recall that in the event of cohabitation, the head of state will have to discuss most appointments with his Prime Minister.
