Few people think about it, these objects in the garden must absolutely be put away before the holidays to avoid the worst

Few people think about it these objects in the garden

If you think about preparing and securing the interior of your home before the big vacation, you must also take the time to leave nothing to chance in the garden.

The suitcases are packed, the house is tidy, it’s time to go on vacation! Many families are getting ready to leave their homes for more or less long periods. While most precautions consist of securing the interior of the house, few people think about what’s happening in their garden.

So have you thought of everything? Police stations and gendarmeries recommend closing the shutters, locking the door, signing up for the “tranquility holidays” operation so that they can monitor your home in your absence, but they also advise not to leave anything to chance in the garden or on the terrace. Here is a list of objects that are often neglected but that it is crucial to put away before going on vacation to avoid the worst. These objects, if left outside, can attract the attention of burglars and encourage them to attempt a break-in.

Garden furniture such as chairs, tables and parasols can also serve as clues for burglars. A well-landscaped but deserted garden can make them understand that the owners are away. In addition, some furniture can be used to climb over a fence or hedge. Bring these items inside or secure them with cables and padlocks.

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Leaving a ladder or scaffolding within reach is a direct invitation for a burglar. These objects provide easy access to upstairs windows, which are often less well protected than front doors. Before you leave, make sure to store these items in a secure location.

Gardening tools, whether they are shovels, rakes or even lawnmowers, can be used by burglars to force open a door or window. Additionally, leaving these valuables out in plain sight can mean that no one is home to watch them. Consider storing them in a locked garden shed or inside the house.

Although it may seem trivial, recycling bins and trash cans can also be used to reach higher access points. Store them in a garage or specific shed to prevent them from being used as makeshift stairs.

A barbecue or a ping-pong table in the garden can also attract attention. These often expensive pieces of equipment can also be stolen if left unattended. Consider keeping them safe, either by storing them in a garage or by covering them with a well-secured tarpaulin to make them less visible.

Finally, toys left scattered around the yard give the impression of a lack of vigilance. Bikes, scooters, or even balloons can indicate that the house is uninhabited for a while. Before leaving, put all toys away in the garage or inside so as not to attract the attention of criminals.
