Android? Here is the new change to keep an eye on

Android Here is the new change to keep an eye

Google recently announced that it is investigating and cleaning up the apps in the Google Play Store, where Android users download everything from games to lifestyle apps.

The thinning began in 2021 and so far 1.3 million apps have been deleted.

Now the mobile giant Samsung comes out with a new change regarding a specific and important app.

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There are two SMS apps

If you use a Samsung, you may have noticed that there are two messaging apps, Samsung’s messaging app and Google’s messaging app.

It’s easy to confuse the apps, as they are similar in both appearance and name. Mobile writes that if you happen to start the wrong app, you will be asked if you want to switch to this as your messaging app.

Both apps support Google’s RCS, which makes it easier to send emojis and images.

The difference between the apps is that Google’s messaging app offers automatic sorting of your text messages into different categories. And that it can provide AI-generated quick answers and emoji reactions. But in the Samsung SMS app, you can move messages to the trash where they are for 30 days with a chance to fish them out if they have ended up there by mistake, the site writes.

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The app is deleted

The phone giant has itself chosen to have Google’s app as the default, but the older app remains and cannot be deleted from the phone.

But now Samsung has announced that they will switch completely to the Google messaging app. This applies to the models Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Z Fold 6 and so far only applies to the American market, writes Mobile.

Samsung believes that the reason for this is that they want to speed up the introduction of RCS to give users a better experience with the message function.

It will still be possible to download Samsung’s messaging app in the Google Play Store.

It is unclear if or when the change will come to Sweden.


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