CS2 changes a small detail on an iconic map – players see this as a desecration of the monument

Valve released a new patch for Counter-Strike 2 on July 22nd. It included a change to Dust 2 that many players don’t like at all.

What has changed? Valve has added a few crates to the CT spawn on the iconic map Dust. These crates now make it possible to take a shortcut to get to the “Catwalk” and the A-Spot faster.

Until recently, it was not possible to quickly get from the CT spawn to the catwalk or the A-spot using boxes or similar objects.

If players wanted to get to the catwalk or the A-spot quickly from the CT spawn, they could only do so with a so-called “boost”. This is basically a ladder: one player crouches down so that another player can jump on him. The player can then jump from his teammate’s shoulders to the higher level.

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How do players react to the change? There are mixed feelings. Some players really like the change because it allows beginners and solo players to quickly rotate to “A” from the CT spawn – without the help of randoms.

A part of the community, on the other hand, doesn’t like this at all and reacts as if Valve had desecrated a historical monument. We list some of the reactions below:

  • COYGODZILLA: “The more I think about it, the angrier I get.”
  • Loosecun: “They destroyed Dust 2.”
  • williammorren: “I’m not a huge fan of it, but I like that they’re trying to break up the outdated gameplay of Dust 2.”
  • talhaONE: “You are solving a problem that doesn’t exist.”
  • Frequent_Try2486: “Shit, completely stupid change […]. Just played it, completely destroyed the momentum in the middle of Dust2.”
  • Others write short comments like “terrible” or “rip Dust2” [Rip = Ruhe in Frieden]. However, very few people give a precise reason why they think the change is bad. However, some complain that it makes the map easier to play for the defenders (CTs).

    However, other players counter this statement, saying that the attackers (terrorists) have had the advantage on Dust so far. The change could therefore balance the map somewhat.

    Is the change only good for defenders? Not quite. Some players also note that lurking and rotating late as an attacker from the middle via the CT spawn to the A spot is now easier. This can occasionally work as a play.

    We will probably have to wait a few weeks or months to see if the change proves to be good or bad and how it affects the win rates of attackers and defenders. Hopefully, by then the emotions of the angry players will have subsided.

    CS2 is currently receiving a lot of criticism from the community for various changes and the ongoing cheater problem, but if it’s up to the creator of Counter-Strike, Valve is doing a good job with the shooter: 2 students created what is probably the greatest shooter in the world – one of them says he is happy to have sold it
