The 6 main aggressors of the liver (to be wary of)

The 6 main aggressors of the liver to be wary

If the liver tolerates a deviation from time to time, it has much more difficulty in managing daily excesses, and does not like being confronted with aggressors who prevent it from regenerating. Zoom in on his main enemies.

A veritable sewage treatment plant, the liver is very much in demand by modern life: excess food (sometimes alcohol), pollution, chemicals… As a result, it can get tired. To regenerate it, it is put to rest at least 3 weeks a year by eating less, drinking plenty of water and cleaning it.

On the same subject

>> We do a detox cure: you can opt for the juice of a lemon in lukewarm water every morning on an empty stomach. Other option: detoxifying plants in herbal teas or food supplements: dandelion, milk thistle, boldo, rosemary, chicory root, meadow sorrel root… For quantities and mixtures, we seek the advice of a pharmacist or doctor. an herbalist.

How to pamper your liver?

  • By massaging it with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil mixed with 1 drop of essential oil of rosemary and 1 of basil. Lying down, hands flat on your stomach, perform circular movements in a clockwise direction, emphasizing the area on the right, under the ribs, where the liver is located, until you feel that the organs are completely relaxed. We finish by applying a hot water bottle to the same area while breathing slowly and deeply for about ten minutes.
  • By eating healthy. We give pride of place to fresh fruits and vegetables, especially green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, turnip, arugula, watercress…), black radish, artichoke… Not to mention the garlic, onion, spices and fresh herbs (basil, ginger, turmeric, mint, tarragon…). We prefer fish to meat and we reduce the fat (cold meats, cheese, fried foods, ready meals, etc.). Refined sugar is limited (candies and other sweets, spreads, industrial biscuits, etc.). And above all, we do not abuse coffee (prefer green tea) and even less alcohol (75% of cases of cirrhosis in France are due to alcohol).

We vent our anger

In Chinese medicine, good liver health is essential to properly manage emotions, especially anger. Here is a gesture of shiatsu which allows the irritation accumulated and contained for too long to be evacuated.

  • Squeeze the abdomen under the ribs, breathing deeply for a few minutes, after warming your hands by rubbing them together.
  • Place the index and/or middle fingers between the 6th and 7th rib in line with the nipples. Squeeze while exhaling, maintain the pressure on inspiration and release at the end of inspiration. Repeat 3 to 5 times.

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