In Israel, a far-right minister said he prayed in the area of ​​al-Aqsa mosque | News in brief

The al-Aqsa Mosque located on the Temple Mount is one of the holiest places for Muslims. The Temple Mount is also an important area for Jews.

In Israel, the far-right minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir said on Wednesday that he prayed in the area of ​​al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. According to a long-standing order, Jews are allowed to visit, but not to pray there.

The al-Aqsa Mosque located on the Temple Mount is one of the holiest places for Muslims. The Temple Mount is also an important area for Jews.

– I prayed on the Temple Mount last week and Jews pray on the Temple Mount … There is no reason why parts of the Temple Mount should be forbidden to Jews, Ben-Gvir said. Ben-Gvir’s comments drew criticism in Israel.

– Israel’s policy of maintaining the status quo (prevailing state) of the Temple Mount has not and will not change, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the office said in a statement.

Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant said on message service X that Ben-Gvir keeps trying to blow up the Middle East.

– I categorically reject any idea of ​​harming the status quo of the holy city of Jerusalem, Gallant wrote. Ben-Gvir’s comments came at the same time as the country’s Prime Minister Netanyahu is visiting the United States.
