CNN: Most of the casualty figures reported by the Gaza Health Ministry can be verified | News in brief

CNN Most of the casualty figures reported by the Gaza

About 75 percent of the victims identified based on the investigation by the observer group were also listed as dead in the figures published by the Ministry of Health.

The information on the number of dead reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health under the extremist organization Hamas largely corresponds to the actual number of victims, reports the news channel CNN.

In a recent report, the independent monitoring group Airwars identified a total of 3,259 civilians who died in Gaza during the first 17 days of the war. In their work, the group looked at social media posts, local news and press releases from non-governmental organizations and compared them with the information they collected about the battles.

About 75 percent of the victims identified based on the group’s report were also listed as dead in the figures published by the Ministry of Health.

According to the Gaza Ministry of Health, more than 39,100 people have died in the war that started in October last year. CNN points out that the ministry does not separate civilians from combatants in its casualty figures.
