Gunnar Strömmer (M) after the violence in Södertälje: “Can trust the government”

Two shootings and an explosion. That’s the conclusion for the last three days in Södertälje.

– It is a serious situation. We meet citizens who are worried and angry about the perpetrators of violence and that Södertälje is becoming associated with them, says municipal board chairman Boel Godner (S) in Aktuellt.

The spiral of violence in Södertälje

  • So Södertälje became the center of an aggressive gang conflict

  • Leisure activities and field workers – this is how the municipality and the police want to stop the violence

  • “Do everything we can”

    She says that the municipality is doing everything it can and is cooperating with the police and authorities.

    She says that Södertälje carries out “enormous preventive efforts”, but also believes that the crime is part of a national and international crime.

    – We do everything we can. But customs, the Ecocrime Authority and the Tax Agency also need resources to be able to do their job.

    Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer (M) believes that the government is working hard to break the spiral of violence:

    – Södertälje and all other municipalities can trust that the government and state authorities are there to increase efforts to be able to permanently turn the trend around, he says.

    Godner does not want a safety zone

    Last Friday, the police closed their security zone in Södertälje. Boel Godner (S) has not wanted a safety zone, but says in Aktuellt that she has confidence in the work of the police:

    – We support and cooperate with the police. The police themselves must decide where the resources are best needed, she says.
