One series even got two

One series even got two

A few weeks ago, on the occasion of the five-year anniversary of the Game of Thrones finale, we looked at the worst series endings of all time. But since we don’t want to leave you with so many negative feelings, today we’re turning the tables. Which series have become a grandiose conclusion came?

We have compiled eight special final episodes that brought their series to a worthy conclusion. Sometimes we were lying on the floor crying, sometimes we could hardly contain our laughter. Before you dive into the new episode of Streamgestöber, however, there is a big spoiler-Warning issued!

From The Sopranos to How I Met Your Mother: The best series endings of all time

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It is perhaps the hardest discipline when creating a series. Sure, an exciting premise is quickly scribbled on a piece of paper, but how do you manage to develop it over several seasons and years, keep it fresh and then also turn it into a strong end that leaves nothing to be desired?

With Lost, more and more unanswered questions were piling up. With Game of Thrones, expectations were getting higher and higher. More can go wrong than go right. And yet, every now and then, we experience a series with flying colours over the finish line In this edition of Streamgestöber we talk about the following titles:

The best series endings:

In the podcast we are particularly interested in three questions: What exactly happens at the end of each series? Why is the ending so good? And what is the one moment that forever burned into our memory Have fun listening! And as I said: There are lots of spoilers in this podcast. Streamgestöber: Your Moviepilot podcast about the best series and films in streaming

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Streamgestöber, the Moviepilot podcast, is sponsored by Magenta TV, but the content doesn’t change for you. Magenta TV is Telekom’s TV and streaming service, which combines HD quality television and streaming on one platform. Here you can conveniently use the entire entertainment program via one user interface.

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