Olympic Swede recently convicted of drug crime – tested cocaine

Olympic Swede recently convicted of drug crime tested cocaine

The hurdler Oskar Edlund, 21, has had great success during the spring and he is one of the hopefuls who will compete in the Paris Olympics. But recently he was convicted of drug offenses after a party night at Stureplan. In a large interview with Expressen, the Olympic hopeful chooses to speak out about the verdict.

Oscar Edlund 2nd person from the left. Photo: Anders Wiklund/TT

– It was an incredibly stupid thing to do, I am extremely ashamed, he says to Expressen.

“The international anti-doping organization Wada has classified cocaine as a substance of abuse and banned it from competition. Edlund has not tested positive for the substance in connection with any competition and the verdict will not affect his participation in the Olympics in Paris,” writes Expressen.

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“Offered to test cocaine”

Edlund admitted the deed in police interrogation. He said it happened during a pre-party and that “the cocaine was on a plate on a table”. Then the party continued to a nightclub on Stureplan. At the club, the Swedish hurdler was quickly noticed by security guards who took him aside and called the police.

– It was a party night when the season was over. I was offered to test cocaine, which I foolishly did, he says.

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Kajsa Bergqvist on the cocaine sentence: “We take this seriously”

Edlund tells Expressen that he has been offered support from the federation and Kajsa Bergqvist, the federation captain, has tried to help him process his feelings after the verdict.

– We take this very seriously. As an elite athlete, it is important to understand that you are a role model and here he has failed. Oskar is very remorseful and my task now is to take care of him both as an athlete and as a person, she says The Express.

The text is being updated…


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