The new update plunges “The Sims 4” into chaos – Should actually bring love, but ruins all relationships

The highly anticipated “Lovestruck” expansion for “The Sims 4” will be released tomorrow, July 25, 2024. But before it is officially available, the free update for the base game has already thrown up some surprises – unfortunately, none of them good.

Which update is it? The free update that was supposed to pave the way for the Lovestruck expansion brought a long-awaited feature to the game: polyamory. With the new update, you can have open relationships in The Sims 4 and be in multiple relationships at the same time. Fans’ expectations were high, many were excited about the update. But the start of the update was anything but smooth, as some players report.

Here you can take a look at the new expansion Lovestruck:

Sims 4: With the new expansion “Lovestruck” your Sims can now find the ideal partner via a dating app

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Update brings bugs instead of more romance

What do the players say? Players are reporting numerous problems, including crashes, bugs, and – most serious – relationship problems and broken hearts among their Sims. On Reddit, the complaints just keep pouring in.

The comments are full of players complaining about bugs and romantic dramas involving their Sims. Many report that their Sims become rude to each other for no apparent reason, insult each other, and lose relationship points even when they are not interacting with each other.

We have summarized a few comments for you:

  • False-Sun91 writes (via reddit): “My Sims are constantly being mean to each other and ruining all of their relationships. No matter how hard I try to get ahead of it and rebuild the relationship, they insult each other and yell and ruin my hard work.”
  • LuLeNa writes (via reddit): All my Sims had great relationships, but now my married couples are arguing, one of them even unfriended his spouse.
  • OK-Grapefruit9193 writes (via reddit): The update really ruined my game.
  • Some also say that they experienced similar bugs with the previous patch.

    How can I undo this? A few fans recommend using cheats or mods to fix the relationships again. Many hope that the bugs will soon be fixed with the upcoming expansion Lovestruck and that their Sims will be able to find each other again. So far, EA has not commented on the players’ complaints. The Sims 4 has been on the market since 2014 and is constantly getting updates. In 2022, one thing has caused chaos: an update accidentally brings incestuous relationships to The Sims 4
