On Monday, the highest average temperature in history was measured again – the previous record was broken in a day | Foreign countries

According to climate scientists, the most significant factors influencing global warming are fossil fuels and agriculture.

Monday was the warmest day ever recorded by man globally.

At that time, the Earth’s average temperature was 17.15 degrees Celsius. The previous, very short-lived peak readings were measured just one day earlier on Sunday.

Director of the EU climate research service Copernicus Carlo Buontempo believes that the heat records measured on Monday are just the beginning.

– It is only a temporary record. We should get used to this as the climate continues to warm due to greenhouse gas emissions. We will definitely see records being broken in the coming months or years, says Buontempo.

According to climate scientists, the creation of new records has been influenced by the warmer-than-usual winter in Antarctica and the El Niño phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean.

However, according to climate scientists, it is clear that the most significant factors influencing global warming are fossil fuels and agriculture.

Sources: AP, Reuters
