Which first names do researchers say reveal a lower IQ?

Which first names do researchers say reveal a lower IQ

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    According to Science, some first names are associated with a relatively low IQ. Let’s review the list of those concerned.

    Jules, Matteo, Aïssata, Sacha… The choice of first name is far from insignificant according to Science. According to research carried out by scientists at Stanford University (United States), certain first names are thus linked to an IQ below average.

    IQ, an indicator of psychomotor development

    For this survey, published in 2022, the researchers recruited 70,000 people.

    All then took IQ tests A figure, obtained following a psychometric test – made up of questions and games – which allows the abstract intelligence of an individual to be quantified.

    For his part, Inserm affirm that “The intelligence quotient or IQ assesses an individual’s performance in relation to individuals of the same age as him.

    So :

    • An IQ score of 100 indicates that the test taker’s performance is at the median level of that of individuals of the same age;
    • An IQ score of 115 represents high performance, as it is above the median;
    • A score of 85 corresponds to poor performance, below the median;
    • An intelligence quotient (IQ) below 70 indicates an intellectual deficit, also called mental retardation.
    • Finally, an IQ below 30 corresponds to a profound retardation, which requires permanent assistance.

    Result? Some people sharing the same first name ended up with relatively low scores.

    Feel good in your body, feel good in your head!

    Jonathan, Aline and Sarah would display a questionable IQ

    While the results of this study should be taken with a grain of salt – an individual’s intelligence is multi-factorial – the Jonathans nevertheless had an average IQ of 80.

    The Alines came in second place (score of 82), as did the Sarahs.

    The Hervés had a score of 83. The Manuels reached 84 and the Louises obtained 85.

    A little higher up the rankings, the Emmas had an IQ of 86, followed by the Oliviers and the Carolines, tied with a score of 86.5.

    Finally, the Timothées and the Juliens had an average IQ of 87.

    Boy's first name: the top 20 boys' first names in 2024

    Slideshow: Boy’s first name: the top 20 boys’ first names in 2024
