Football: Scandal scenes between Argentina and Morocco in the Olympic premiere – firecrackers were thrown at the players

The premiere party with the Olympic Games is in full swing. It started with football euphoria between Argentina and Morocco – but it all ended in chaos.

After the final whistle, firecrackers were thrown at the players on the lawn. It forced the teams to hastily dismount and chaotic scenes ensued.

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    The result then?

    It was 2-0 to Morocco until the 68th minute.

    Then it swung the other way. Giuliano Simeone scored a reduction ball for the Argentines. In extra time, specifically in the 106th minute (!), Argentina hit the frame twice before Cristian Medina was able to make it 2-2, which was the final score. It was shortly after the goal that the scandalous scenes took place.

    In parallel, Spain also played against Uzbekistan. The Spaniards won 2–1 and the winning goal was scored by Sergio Gomez, three minutes after he himself converted a penalty.

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    Watch as Sergio Gomez misses a penalty and then becomes a hero in the Olympic premiere. Photo: Max

    Men’s Olympic Games


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    Men’s Olympic Games


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