The New Popular Front stands up to Emmanuel Macron

The New Popular Front stands up to Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron dismissed the possibility of a New Popular Front government last night. Logically, this decision provoked anger in the ranks of the left and environmentalists. The NFP party leaders and their candidate for Matignon, Lucie Castets, have been appearing in the media since this morning to protest against the position of the head of state.

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The denial of democracy is serious! “, he asserted Lucie Castets who asked President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday to “ take his responsibilities ” and to appoint her to Matignon. But Emmanuel Macron did not even deign to pronounce her name on Tuesday evening, after her designation as the NFP candidate for the post of Prime Minister. The head of state yesterday broke the silence he had observed since the second round of the legislative elections during a interview on France 2, Franceinfo and France InterThe New Popular Front, which came out on top in the second round of the legislative elections with 182 deputies, has ” no majority ” in the National Assembly, hammered Emmanuel Macron.

Read alsoIn the news: in France, an Olympic and political truce…

An attitude that is not up to the moment, according to the head of the Ecologists. He looks like my five-year-old son when he cheats at Monopoly Junior! When so many French people are interested in politics, he tells them ‘well no… we’ll wait! It’s not possible! “, he scolded Marine Tondelier. “ He can’t act as if nothing happened until mid-August.she judged, brushing aside the idea of ​​an Olympic truce. We are able to do two things at the same time, that is to say, watch the 400-meter hurdles final and form a government. “.

Emmanuel Macron must give a New Popular Front government the opportunity to prove itself, believes the coordinator of the Insoumis, Manuel Bompard. ” The logic is that he calls the personality that we propose to him to form a government, that we begin to put in place our policy. If then a majority of deputies in the National Assembly consider that such a government must be censured, it is their responsibility to do so.

And if the head of state persists in refusing the NFP hypothesis? The communist leader Fabien Roussel promises a reaction. This President of the Republic is making fun of us! He is not going to change his policy because it is the Games… It feels like ancient RomeIt is shameful and scandalous, so yes, we are going to appeal to the French. »

Mobilizations that could take place during the Olympic Games: there is no truce that will last, warns the NFP, while strike notices have already been filed by several unions.
