Beware of these very strange signs that could reveal cancer

Beware of these very strange signs that could reveal cancer

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    Hearing voices, having unusual food cravings… Some very strange signs can actually be the consequences of early cancer! Here’s what you need to watch out for.

    Cancer is becoming more and more treatable, especially when it is detected early enough. Many symptoms can be the first signs of the disease, but not all of them are known. Discover the strangest signs, revealed by doctors in the magazine Mail Online.

    Hearing strange voices and languages

    The first sign that can indicate that you are suffering from cancer is the appearance of auditory or visual hallucinations. This means that your brain is malfunctioning and that you should go to the doctor to carry out checks. Thanks to this type of signs it is possible to diagnose and treat cancer in time.

    Doctors report the case of Lucy Woodhouse, a 43-year-old woman who learned she had a brain tumor because during a meeting she thought her colleagues were speaking a different language. Another patient heard a “mysterious voice” advising her to go to hospital. After surgery, she never heard it again. It was as if she subconsciously knew something was wrong and was showing it by inventing voices that spoke to her.

    Having specific food cravings

    While craving chocolate or candy is pretty normal, suddenly becoming obsessed with a less desirable food is much less so. In Elsie Campbell’s case, the patient was eating four whole lettuces a day. This was a sign that raised her suspicions and led her to detect her cancer. When you think about it, lettuce contains a natural antioxidant called sulforaphane, which is often lacking in breast cancer patients. Again, this behavior is likely unconscious: if her body was making her eat lettuce, it was simply to provide her with the nutrients she needed to heal. The patient in question notes that “Since the tumor was removed, I have not wanted to eat a single leaf of lettuce: my cravings have completely disappeared”.

    What if animals could detect cancer?

    Animals have more developed senses than humans. This is the case for the sense of smell for dogs, for example. And it is also what saved these two patients suffering from cancer without knowing it. Lindsey Thwaites, aged 51, felt discomfort in her anus, thinking that her discomfort was linked to painful haemorrhoids. But it was when she noticed that her dog was sniffing her buttocks very often that she made an appointment with her GP and was finally diagnosed with anal cancer.

    The same goes for another patient whose dog was constantly sniffing her chest and headbutting her. Since he never did this normally, this worried his owner who had breast cancer. Added to this, studies have shown that dogs are sometimes able to detect cancer. In this case, he will be more attentive to his owner, by sniffing him, lying down next to him or licking him.

    The (most common) telltale signs of cancer

    Despite these unusual cases, there are some much more common signs that you should definitely know about to detect potential cancer early. The disease can manifest itself through lumps, bleeding, or changes in your gut health. Other signs include coughing, chest pain, shortness of breath, changes in moles, unexplained weight loss, itching, or severe fatigue.

    In reality, there are over 200 different cancers, and there are no specific signs. “Sometimes symptoms affect specific areas of the body, such as the stomach or skin. But signs can also be more general and include unexplained weight loss, fatigue or pain.” explains Rachel Orritt, health information manager at Cancer Research UK.

    You know your body better than anyone and are therefore in the best position to spot an abnormal sign. While this may be harmless, it is still better to talk to your doctor about it as a precaution. “Detecting cancer at an early stage increases the chances of successful treatment”recalls the expert. Doctor Karol Sikora, specialist in oncology, gives a general advice: “As soon as something abnormal persists for more than two weeks, you must take it seriously.”.

    Misconceptions about cancer

    Slide: Misconceptions about cancer
