Perseus Karlström’s completely unexpected rage against Sweden – the Olympic gold medalist now threatens to change the national team: “It’s no joke”

He is one of our great hopes for gold in this summer’s Olympics.
But now Perseus Karlström rages in Sweden – and reveals that he was thinking about changing the national team(!).
– It’s not a joke, he tells Aftonbladet.

When the current Olympics were held in Tokyo three years ago (it was moved up a year due to Covid-19), Perseus Karlström finished ninth. But this year the expectations and hopes for him are greater, and he has several strong results behind him from recent years.

Anger against Sweden

When the EC was decided in Rome earlier this year, it was a gold medal for the Swede in 20 kilometers, and in last year’s WC it was silver in the same distance. During the WC in Eugene 2022, there were two bronze medals, and it is no exaggeration to say that Karlström is one of Sweden’s biggest hopes for gold in this year’s Olympics in Paris. But he himself is not completely satisfied with Sweden as a sporting country.

Ahead of this year’s summer games, he directs sudden and unexpected criticism of Sweden as a sports country, and how tough it is for elite athletes to make it here.

– If I’m being honest, it’s extremely tough to represent Sweden as an athlete, in general. There are not particularly good conditions for continuing elite sports. That is the big problem, he tells Aftonbladet.

Have wanted to change national team

Perseus Karlström has a Mexican father, and he says that he considered changing the national team.

– There is no money at all (in Swedish sports). So when I say that I could imagine changing countries, it’s not a joke. I have thought about it. After all, I have Mexican roots and could have competed for the country, he tells the evening newspaper, and continues:

– It would certainly not have been impossible. Just like many other countries, Mexico has significantly better conditions for maintaining elite sports than Sweden. It’s sad to say, but there is no support.

Perseus Karlstrom. Photo: Bildbyrån

Perseus Karlström, who is careful not to give any criticism to the Olympic Committee who “do the best they can”, has remained in Sweden for one reason: That all athletes who change national teams must wait three years to compete.

– I wouldn’t be allowed to compete for the national team for three years. It is too long for a change to be possible. But it is clear that the idea of ​​switching has come up many times. Very often you have wished, if you are honest, to compete for a country that has given me significantly better financial conditions, so that you could pursue a venture without worrying about the future, he says.

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