Major European football organizations take legal action against Fifa | Sports in a nutshell

Major European football organizations take legal action against Fifa

According to the organizations, Fifa has acted unilaterally when making changes to the match calendar in recent years.

European Leagues, the umbrella organization of European football leagues, and Fifpro Europe, the umbrella organization of European players’ associations, will jointly submit an official complaint to the European Commission against the activities of the International Football Federation, Fifa. According to the organizations, the international football match calendar compactly packed by Fifa violates EU competition legislation.

According to the organizations, Fifa has acted unilaterally when making changes to the match calendar in recent years. One of the most significant reforms is the expansion of the World Cup for club teams to a 32-team tournament, which means that the tournament will last a month. The tournament is scheduled to be held next year in June-July in the United States, and 12 top European clubs will participate.

– The international match calendar has exceeded the tolerance limit, and it is not on a sustainable basis in terms of the health of the national leagues and players, European Leagues and Fifpro Europe say in their statement.

Several of the continent’s top players are now required to participate in the World Cup tournament for club teams during a time that players have previously been able to use to rest.

– Legal measures are now the only responsible way for European leagues and players’ associations, so that we can protect football, its operating environment and employees from Fifa’s unilateral decisions, the organizations outline.
