Last Sunday was the hottest day in the world’s measurement history | News in brief

The temperatures of the previous 13 months have been significantly higher than before.

Last Sunday was the warmest day ever recorded by humans globally, the European environmental information service Copernicus says.

Preliminary data from Copernicus show that the average global temperature was 17.09 degrees Celsius on Sunday, which is barely (0.01 degrees) higher than the previous record reading measured on July 6 last year.

The creation of new record readings has been influenced by the warmer than usual winter in Antarctica this year and last year. Before last year, the highest average temperature in the measurement history was 16.8 degrees measured in 2016.

of the leader of Copernicus Carlo Buontempo the temperatures of the previous 13 months have been significantly higher than before in the world.

– We are now truly in an unprecedented situation. We will see new records being broken in the coming months and years, says Buontempo.

Source: AP
