enactment of the climate change law

enactment of the climate change law

In South Africa, the President has signed into law the Climate Change Bill. From now on, all spheres of power, whether at municipal, provincial or government level, will have to respect the same objectives of reducing carbon emissions and protecting against the effects of climate change. No more contradictory policies across the country, climate change is everyone’s business.

2 min

With our correspondent in Johannesburg, Roman Song

L’South Africa is the 15th largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world and the country hopes to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This new law on the climate change was therefore well received.

The law introduces greenhouse gas emission limits that will have to be determined by sector. This is a major step forward according to Sherelee Odayar of Greenpeace Africa:

This is a major step forward in South Africa’s commitment to address the climate crisis and reduce our CO2 emissions. The success of this law will largely depend on the actual implementation of these measures, which will require political will. »

Each city will have its own action plan

Provinces and cities will have to assess their climate risks and implement an action plan. The city of Durban, for example, affected by Deadly floods in 2022will be better equipped to protect itself, according to Blessing Manale, spokesperson for the Presidential Climate Commission:

The Durban metropolitan area is now able to budget for disasters, develop a climate adaptation plan, and a plan to overcome climate hazards. This was not possible before because in South Africa the logic is that you will be given funds if they have a function first. »

With this law, the Presidential Climate Commission becomes an independent body that advises and monitors the government. Ministers will be summoned if they do not meet their objectives.

Also listen toThe burden of debt on climate action
