A new strategy game on Steam offers you battles with up to 50,000 units and you can try it out for free

A new strategy game on Steam is supposed to offer you battles with up to 50,000 units and single and multiplayer modes. If you want to wait until the release, a free demo awaits you. If you like it, you won’t have to wait much longer.

What game is it? WARCANA is a new strategy game on Steam with fantasy elements.

  • In the game you have to defend your base
  • The units and the structure work with a deck of cards based on different devotions that allow different playing styles
  • There will be both a single-player campaign and multiplayer modes
  • The game presents itself in a beautiful pixel look
  • The big highlight of the game will be the enormous battles, which according to the trailer can take place with up to 50,000 units. If you prefer something a little more relaxed, you should take a look here: The company behind HandOfBlood is releasing a new building game on Steam

    You can find the release date trailer here:

    WARCANA – Trailer for the strategy game with countless units

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    Battles with enormous armies

    What should WARCANA offer? As mentioned in the trailer, the game will allow battles with up to 50,000 units. According to WARCANA’s Steam page, this will work with an innovative horde technology. On the page, they even talk about depicting hundreds of thousands of units. In the trailer, you can already see the masses of units.

    In a match, you must destroy the opponent’s base and defend your own. Your arsenal is determined by your deck of cards, because every game needs decks these days. Cards not only give you units, but also build and upgrade your buildings. The cards should also have different upgrade trees to refine your strategy.

    In addition to a single-player campaign, the focus seems to be on multiplayer. WARCANA promises several multiplayer modes, such as a Battle Royale mode with up to 30 players and a high score mode. A game mode editor is also promised.

    If you want to try out the whole spectacle, you can download a demo on Steam and test it out. If you like it, you won’t have to wait long, because the game will be released on Steam on August 15, 2024. If you’re into the genre, you might also be interested in this game: New strategy game on Steam reaches funding goal within 8 hours – demo is now available
