Iraqi government’s decision on ‘PKK’! Banned

According to information obtained from security sources, relations between Turkey and Iraq have reached a new dimension as a result of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s contacts during his recent visit to Iraq and his meetings with Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammed Shia Sudani and senior Iraqi officials.

The fight against terrorism, security and military cooperation issues were discussed at the security summit held in Baghdad, the capital of Iraq, with the participation of Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan, National Defense Minister Yaşar Güler and National Intelligence Organization Director İbrahim Kalın.


The document sent by the Iraqi Prime Ministry to the Presidency of the Iraqi House of Representatives on July 23 included the phrase “the use of the PKK terrorist organization as a ‘banned organization’ in official correspondence.”

The development in question was based on the decision of the Iraqi Council of Ministers on July 28 “to use the PKK as a ‘banned organization’ in official correspondence.”


The Iraqi government had previously declared the terrorist organization PKK a “prohibited organization.”

Source: İHA-AAThis content was published by Recep Demircan
