Are you spending too much time sitting? Find out why sitting cross-legged can transform your health

Are you spending too much time sitting Find out why

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    Sitting a lot is bad for your health. But does posture matter? Experts have looked into the matter and here’s what they say.

    Sitting all day, especially when you have a “desk” job, is bad for your health. In fact, sitting promotes a sedentary lifestyle. It itself impacts our body by reducing our muscle strength and increasing the risk of health problems, particularly cardiovascular health.

    But are all sitting positions harmful to our bodies? Experts have looked into the subject and here are their conclusions, published in the Huffington Post.

    Sitting cross-legged increases mobility and flexibility

    After the age of 12, few people have the opportunity to sit cross-legged. However, according to Dr. Christophe Bise, assistant professor in the department of physical therapy at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, “From a health or musculoskeletal perspective, the cross-legged posture really helps us improve the range of motion of the hiplower back and knee.”

    It also helps keep our lower body flexible, according to the expert. And besides, the position doesn’t necessarily have to be adopted on the ground.You can, on a couch, get into a cross-legged sitting position, which will also increase your range of motion.”

    Maintaining your range of motion is crucial as you age

    As we age, it is important to maintain our range of motion so that we can continue to perform everyday tasks, such as moving around the house, running errands, or playing with our children and grandchildren. Because maintaining joint mobility and muscle flexibility are the two cornerstones of movement.When we have inflexible, stiffer bones, joints and muscles, we’re not going to move as well or as efficiently as we could.” recalls Dr. Bise.

    Sit on the ground to know how to get up again in case of a fall

    According to the specialist, sitting on the floor regularly is important, especially for the elderly.The ability to sit down and get up is important because the more seniors have this ability, the more they will be able to prevent falls or to get up if necessary.”

    The cross-legged position is again beneficial.”Just getting up from this position is beneficial for your entire body. You are exercising your hips, your knees, your entire lower muscle chain in order to get up” confirms Dr. Jennifer O’Connell, a rehabilitation physician at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York. In addition, she recommends that the position should be adopted for only thirty minutes a day, to avoid maintaining a sedentary lifestyle.

    Finally, be aware that some people will be unable to hold this position, due to hip surgery, for example, or for any other reason. The specialist therefore recommends seeking advice from your doctor, in the event of pain in particular, before opting for this sitting position on a daily basis.
