British police: Violence against women and girls has grown into an “epidemic” | News in brief

In 2022-2023, British police will register more than one million violent crimes against women and girls.

Violence against women and girls has grown to “epidemic levels” in Britain, the country’s police chief says. The police now intend to treat the matter as a threat on the same scale as terrorism.

In 2022-2023, British police will register more than one million violent crimes against women and girls. The number covers a fifth of all crimes reported to the police. This is clear from a report by the British Council of Chief Police Officers NPCC and the Police Professional Association.

In 2022-2023, one in six murders involved domestic violence. Annually, at least one out of 12 women becomes a victim of sexual crimes, rape, stalking, harassment or sexual abuse on the Internet.

– Violence against women and girls is a national emergency, deputy police chief Maggie Blyth says in the announcement.

Blyth calls the crime statistics appalling and says the numbers are increasing every year. The number of violent crimes against women and girls increased by 37 percent from 2018 to 2022.

Last year, the British government identified violence against women and girls as a national security threat, and the police were ordered to respond to it in the same way as terrorism and serious organized crime.

According to the report, over the past year, thousands of police officers have been trained to investigate rape and sexual crimes.

Source: AP
