Many people are looking for a solution to trap Asian hornets and prevent their invasion. Discover our step-by-step guide to an effective Asian hornet trap to make yourself at home!
Considered an invasive species, the Asian hornet is feared by beekeepers and individuals alike. Its painful sting, its negative impact on ecosystems and agriculture, and the allergic reactions it can sometimes cause are all factors that justify a “hunt” for Asian hornets. The good news is that it is possible to fight the invasion of Asian hornets without compromising the freedom of movement of wasps and bees. Here’s how to do it.
What are the most effective hornet traps?
There are several Asian hornet traps available today. These range from the most artisanal model made by yourself to the more sophisticated model available for purchase in stores. We most often distinguish between so-called selective traps, also called traps, and non-selective traps. The latter should be avoided. In the process of trapping Asian hornets, it is indeed advisable to trap only Asian hornets, and not other insects such as bees or wasps.
Generally speaking, the Asian hornet trap takes the form of a compartment (or a box) with small exits to release the other insects. Transparent compartments are considered more effective because of their ability to quickly heat up with the sun. Inside the trap is placed a bait or attractant, which takes into account the Asian hornet’s appetite for sweet things and for flavors such as beer or white wine! The best mix? About 70 cl of white wine combined with 33 cl of shandy and 35 cl of fruit syrup such as grenadine syrup.
To make your own Asian hornet trap, nothing complicated. All you need is a plastic bottle and a piece of wire. The steps for making a trap are then summarized as follows:
- separate the bottom of the bottle (future tank) from the neck (future funnel);
- make a dozen 6mm holes on the bottom of the bottle, as well as two 3mm holes on the top of the tank and on the bottom of the funnel;
- Insert the funnel (neck down) into the tank and secure the assembly with the wire.
All that remains is to place the bait in the bottle reservoir to attract the Asian hornets and trap them.
What are the mistakes to avoid when making an Asian hornet trap?
To optimize the chances of trapping Asian hornets, it is recommended:
- to choose the right attractive bait and to renew it regularly. Be careful however: do not clean the trap during this operation, at the risk of reducing its effectiveness;
- to choose the right location for the trap, favoring places attractive to the hornet, in the sun and close to an attractive area (near flowers, water, a beehive, etc.);
- to respect the trapping period.
Remember that it is also strongly advised not to destroy an Asian hornet nest yourself. The operation is in fact particularly dangerous. If you notice the presence of an Asian hornet nest, it is imperative to call a professional.