Kiruna has the lowest unemployment in the whole country: “Dare to come here”

During the second quarter of 2024, an average of 4,700 people were registered as unemployed in Norrbotten – a decrease of 5 percent compared to the corresponding period last year. Unemployment is the lowest in Kiruna – where only 2.1 percent of the population is without a job.

– We have jobseekers but mainly a shortage of labour. It is in a way a pleasant problem, but more people need to dare to come here and find a permanent job, says Fredrika Persson, section manager at the Employment Agency.

Lower unemployment in Västerbotten

During the quarter, the number of registered unemployed with the Employment Agency was 3.9 percent in Norrbotten – only Västerbotten had a lower level of 3.6, and in the country as a whole the figure was 6.5 percent.

– A move to the north can bring so much more than a job, both for yourself and your family. We have a lot to offer and look forward to northern Sweden growing even more, says Fredrika Persson.

In the clip: hear the Arbetsmedlingen’s head of office for transformation and matching in the North about what it is due to.

Hanna changed the tavern for the mine

Someone who has already left southern Sweden for Norrbotten is Hanna Svendsen. In the clip below, she talks about her journey from waitress in Filipstad to the mine in Kiruna.

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“Not worried about moving” – meet Hanna Svendsen who moved to Kiruna for an attractive job. Photo: Hans Sternlund/SVT
