Emmanuel Macron will give an interview to France 2 to talk about the 2024 Olympics and the political situation

Emmanuel Macron will give an interview to France 2 to

Three days before the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games, and a little over two weeks after the early legislative elections, Emmanuel Macron will give an interview this Tuesday, July 23 in the evening on France 2. The French president will try to open a sporting interlude, after weeks of political turmoil caused by the dissolution.

3 min

It was one of the political sequences to remember this Monday in France: the request for ” political truce » formulated by Emmanuel Macron. What exactly does this truce cover? What are the French president’s intentions for the coming weeks? He should explain this during the interview this Tuesday evening on the France 2 channel.

Twenty minutes of interview and two main themes are on the agenda. The 2024 Olympic Games, and politics therefore, a subject that is difficult to avoid after the sequence of the European elections and early legislative elections.

Emmanuel Macron has remained silent since his letter to the French in which he called for building a solid majority. He should thus deepen his analysis of the results this evening, while the French political landscape is fractured, and the National Assembly is without a majority.

A Prime Minister appointed after the Olympic sequence?

Now that the political groups have been formed and the presidency of the Assembly has been assigned, the head of state will give a deadline for the appointment of a Prime Minister. This will probably be after the Olympic sequence, unless, his advisers tell AFP, there is a ” tremendous acceleration of negotiations “.

Emmanuel Macron should also specify the profile of the future Prime Minister. It is also difficult for him not to mention the demands of the New Popular Front entangled in long and fruitless negotiations for the moment.

Another topic, which will most likely be commented on, is the legislative pact submitted and detailed by the leader of the LR deputies Laurent Wauquiez. President Macron will obviously have to position himself on this, with sufficient skill so as not to bruise any hope of rallying on the left as well. This task falls this week to the resigning Prime Minister. Gabriel AttalHe tasked two Macronist elected officials with compiling a ” Action Pact ” which can attract centre-right and centre-left elected officials.

The idea of ​​a ” political truce ” does not appeal to the entire political class

If on the right, the leader of the LR senators Bruno Retailleau considers it welcome, it must not last too long, he said this Tuesday morning. It is true that the month of September devoted to budget 2025 will be a very important deadline. On the left, Insoumise Mathilde Panot considers this political truce unacceptable. According to her, it amounts to an interruption of democracy.

La France Insoumise, due to a lack of agreement with the other parties of the NFP, is putting pressure on the executive by announcing this morning a bill to repeal the pension reform. This is potentially explosive because some in the National Rally are already announcing that they want to vote for it.

It will be interesting to see how Emmanuel Macron analyzes this. He who is now trying to be on top. Emmanuel Macron will be on the front line during the Olympic Games. He will obviously be at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games on Friday. He also plans to attend some events.

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