Singer dies electrocuted during concert. Dr. Kierzek reminds us of safety rules

Singer dies electrocuted during concert Dr Kierzek reminds us of

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    On July 13, in the middle of a concert, a Brazilian artist was electrocuted on stage after a hug with a wet fan. An avoidable accident, according to Dr. Gérald Kierzek, an emergency physician who gives us his advice.

    On July 13, Ayres Sasaki, a Brazilian singer, was electrocuted to death in the middle of a concert held at a hotel in Salinópolis, Brazil. Investigations are underway to determine the exact circumstances of his death.

    A wet embrace, near a cable

    According to initial reports from Brazilian media, the artist’s sudden death was caused by electrocution: the tragedy occurred after the artist hugged a wet person. However, there was an electric cable nearby.

    According to the newspaper Diar of ParaAyres Sasaki was electrocuted while playing guitar and could not be resuscitated. Despite the rapid intervention of emergency services, he died almost instantly. An investigation has been opened by the local police station, which has requested forensic tests and will hear witnesses about the accident, in particular to find out whether the hotel’s electrical network was up to standard.

    Reminder: water and electricity make a terrible combination

    Dying on stage by electrocution remains a rare phenomenon. However, Dr. Gérald Kierzek, emergency physician and medical director of Doctissimo reminds us that to avoid accidents, it is imperative to keep water away from any electrical current.

    “If water is present and there is contact with a source of electrical current, the risk of electrocution (electrical current passing through the body, causing injury) or electrocution (electrical shock resulting in death) increases. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity, and the presence of moisture can facilitate the flow of electrical current, increasing the danger.”

    To minimize these risks:

    • Avoid contact with electrical devices or power sources when wet;
    • Turn off the power before handling electrical appliances in wet environments;
    • Use safety devices, such as high-sensitivity residual current circuit breakers, to protect against short circuits and electric shocks.

    “In conclusion, kissing someone wet in the presence of electric current is dangerous and should be avoided to prevent the risk of electrocution or shock.” concludes our expert.
