Shopkeepers are blackmailed by criminals: “Pay or die”

When SVT meets the man, who runs a business in Skärholmen in southern Stockholm, he has several bruises on his body and face.

He says he has been abused by criminals who extort money from his business. According to him, they require him to make an initial payment of SEK 300,000 and then SEK 50,000 monthly, in order to remain in the area.

– They said that for every day I delay the payment, I have to pay SEK 100,000 in fines.

The people have also threatened to kill him and his family if he tells the police or anyone else.

Lives in his car

The shopkeeper says he therefore sent his family to his home country because it is safer for them there.

He says that people sought him out on his farm and threatened him, and that he therefore chose not to live at home anymore. For a few days he has been living in his car instead.

– I’m going to die. I’m leaving Sweden, he says to SVT.

Tried to get personal protection from the police

He describes how, after the threats, he did not dare to go to the police but walked around the local police station for several hours. Two police officers finally came out after seeing him standing outside crying. He then told everything and filed a police report. He also gave the police surveillance images from the store of when the people on several occasions enter the store and go into his office, material that SVT also had access to.

– The police recognized the people and said they had a good grasp of them, he says.

But according to him, the police have not taken any action against the people. Instead, the shopkeeper was referred to the department for personal protection. There, he claims to have been told that the threats are not considered serious enough to warrant any extra protection from the police.

The criminologist: “Not an easy crime to access”

According to criminologist Ardavan Khoshnood, these types of crimes are difficult for the police to do anything about.

– Many hours of detective work are required, it is not an easy crime to crack.

The store owner tells SVT that despite the threats, he wants to share his experiences.

– I want to tell you, maybe others will benefit from it.

SVT has contacted the police for a comment.
