No Man’s Sky has the most players in 5 years because an update changes everything – boss celebrates number 1 in the Steam charts

On Sunday, July 21st, the SF game No Man’s Sky reached 48,499 concurrent players on Steam. The game last had a higher number in August 2019, 5 years ago. The player numbers are being further boosted by a Steam sale. The Managing Director of Hello Games, Sean Murray, celebrates the success.

What kind of update is this? The update is called 5.0 “Worlds Part 1” and was released on July 17th for No Man’s Sky:

  • Players can explore new worlds and biomes, including worlds with floating islands.
  • The graphics now look more realistic.
  • In addition, the game has been rejuvenated with numerous new features, including solar ships and expeditions in which you fight against giant insects.
  • New update of No Man’s Sky reminds of Helldivers 2

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    No Man’s Sky has the highest player count on Steam since August 2018

    These are the effects on player numbers:

    Before the patch, the number of players on Steam had dropped somewhat, with between 4,000 and 8,000 players online at the same time.

    But on July 17, the number of players on Steam began to rise steadily: first to 14,000, then to 21,000.

    On Saturday, there were already 30,000 people online at the same time, while on Sunday the peak of 48,499 simultaneous players was reached.

    No Man’s Sky has only had such high numbers three times in history: at the terrible launch in 2016 and in the summer of 2018 and 2019.

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    Steam reviews rise to 93% in the last 30 days

    The developer is happy: Sean Murray celebrates “number 1 in the Steam charts.”

    He writes that he loves that the community welcomes so many new players with open arms.

    No Man’s Sky is currently 60% off.

    The reviews of the last 30 days are excellent with 93% positive:

  • A player with 185 hours writes: One of the last developers who isn’t greedy.
  • One player with 9,300 hours praises: No Man’s Sky saved his inner space cadet because it taught him to let go of his obsession with structure and let himself drift through space.
  • No Man’s Sky is considered a game that has fought its way back up from the bottom. At the time of its release, the game was accused of being overly hyped and promising things that the game could not even begin to deliver. We looked at the difficult history of the MMO on MeinMMO a few years ago: No Man’s Sky Reviews after 5 years “Mostly positive”: Other developers should (or should not) follow this example
