a speech on the Olympics and answers on the new Prime Minister

a speech on the Olympics and answers on the new

Emmanuel Macron will speak in an interview on Tuesday evening. He will discuss the political situation in France as well as the Olympic Games.

Emmanuel Macron will speak this Tuesday, July 23 in an exclusive interview as announced by France 2 in a press release. Three days before the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the president will be live for France Télévisions and Radio France starting at 8:10 p.m. The interview should last about twenty minutes. He will answer questions from Thomas Sotto and Nathalie Iannetta live from the Trocadéro set in the 8 p.m. news on France 2.

Emmanuel Macron will take advantage of this interview to return to the current French political situation. This will also be his first interview since the second round of the legislative elections. While the NFP won the legislative elections without a majority, a deadlock has since emerged. The president has accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal, but the latter remains in office to take care of current affairs. According to his wishes, the appointment of a new government could then only take place after the Olympic Games. Emmanuel Macron will provide some details on this subject, but given the length of the interview, which is very short, it is possible that the head of state will evacuate questions of domestic politics very quickly.

A new call for an “Olympic truce”?

The Head of State will also not fail to mention the exceptional period that France is about to go through with the Olympic and Paralympic Games. “Emmanuel Macron will return to the French political situation and will speak about the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games 3 days before the Opening Ceremony,” the channel’s press release states.

This interview is announced as the president affirmed on Monday, July 22, that the Olympic Games should be a period of “sporting celebration” and “political truce.” “It is the Games that will be at the heart of the life of the country and the world will be in France thanks to them,” he insisted. It is a safe bet that he will reiterate this call on Tuesday. He assured that the Games were “not at all” spoiled by the dissolution of the National Assembly that he decided on June 9.
