At least 55 dead in landslides in Ethiopia

At least 55 dead in landslides in Ethiopia


  • At least 55 dead in landslides in Ethiopia

    At least 55 people have been killed in a landslide in a remote part of southern Ethiopia, local authorities said.

    The landslide occurred after heavy downpours in the mountainous region.

    Pictures on Facebook show people using their bare hands to dig through the soil to search for survivors.

    Southern Ethiopia has been hit by floods after heavy seasonal rain in the spring. Thousands of residents have been forced to move and the torrential rains have caused extensive damage to infrastructure and crops.


  • Suspected shooting in Hagsätra

    Several people called the police this evening after hearing loud bangs in Hagsätra in southern Stockholm.

    Witnesses must also have seen the event itself.

    “The police command center has received several calls about sightings of shooting,” the police write on their website.

    You are currently on site with several units. No injured person is said to have been found.

    – I heard six to seven shots. Shortly afterwards, the police came and cordoned off an area outside the store, says a witness.

    The subway between Hagsätra and Rågsved sen has been closed since 20:44, according to SL.

  • Explosion in store

    An object has been thrown into and detonated in a shop in Södertälje.

    A major effort is underway at the site.

    Is anyone hurt?

    – We will have to wait to comment on that. We are trying to improve the situational picture. We are there with the emergency services, says police spokesperson Ola Österling.

    A dark-clad perpetrator has been seen fleeing the scene, according to Aftonbladet’s information.

  • ICA recalls cheese – risk of listeria

    Photo: Ica

    ICA recalls the cheese “Ica Gorgonzola Piccante 200 grams”.

    It applies to packages with batch number 259404601 and with best before dates 06.08.2024, 13.08.2024, 20.08.2024, 03.09.2024.

    This is what ICA writes on its website.

    The product is recalled when listeria bacteria were found by the supplier

    – We take the incident seriously and are now investigating together with the supplier how this could have happened and how we can ensure that it does not happen again, says Niklas Warén, quality manager at ICA Sweden.

    ICA writes that it regrets what happened and urges customers who have purchased the product to return the product to the ICA store where it was purchased.

  • Life-threatening injuries after a drowning incident

    A seriously injured woman is being treated in hospital after a drowning call outside Umeå. Archive image. Photo: Stina Stjernkvist/TT

    A woman in her 70s was taken to hospital by ambulance on Monday afternoon after a drowning alarm at a bathing place outside Umeå, reports Västerbottens-Kuriren.

    The woman is now being cared for in the intensive care unit with life-threatening injuries, according to the Västerbotten region.

    – A person has been pulled out of the water, it is considered serious, said RLC commander Michael Saveman to TT earlier.

  • Fight after traffic accident

    Two motorists have been beaten in a parking lot in Skogås in Huddinge.

    – In connection with the wrong parking, the drivers have started fighting, says the press spokesman at the police’s regional command center in Stockholm.

    One of the drivers was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The extent of the damage is unclear.

    Passengers and nearby residents had also joined in the conflict that arose after the traffic accident.

    – Only the drivers have been beaten.

    A similar incident occurred in Vällingby yesterday, when a motorist and a motorcyclist smoked together after a traffic accident.

  • A car has driven into a house in Gothenburg

    A car has driven into a house in Gothenburg.

    – It is a car that has driven into a house, says the police’s press contact.

    There are no reports that anyone has been injured.

  • Secret service chief: Biggest failure

    Kimberly Cheatle.

    Secret service chief Kimberly Cheatle is being grilled by Congress after the assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

    – The assassination attempt on Donald Trump is our biggest failure in several decades, she says in her opening speech.

    When asked why they didn’t stop Thomas Matthew Crooks when his rangefinder saw was next to the roof, Cheatle says:

    – The threat was unclear at the time and we did not know that he was armed.

    – If we knew he was armed, Trump would not have been allowed to take the stage.

  • Man dead after drowning accident

    A man in his 80s died today after a drowning accident in Högbo outside Sandviken. This is reported by TT with reference to Arbetarbladet and Gefle Dagblad.

    It was during Saturday that the emergency services were alerted by the public to a watercourse where the man was found.

    The man was taken to hospital by ambulance.

    There are no criminal suspects, but the police are still conducting a forensic examination.

    Relatives are informed of the death.

  • Two to hospital after accident with car and truck

    A car and a truck have collided on the E16 in Falun, writes P4 Dalarna.

    the car is said to have crashed into the truck on Monday afternoon.

    Two people have been taken to hospital by ambulance.

    The rescue work has been completed and traffic is back on track, according to the channel.

  • Journalist sentenced by Russian court

    Alsu Kurmasheva. Photo: AP

    The Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva is sentenced to six years in prison for spreading “false information” about the Russian army, reports the AP news agency.

    Kurmasjeva works as an editor for the American-funded radio channel Radio Free Europe.

    The channel condemns the decision and demands her immediate release.

    The verdict came just days after Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was sentenced to 16 years in prison for espionage.

  • Four escaped cows on E4

    Four escaped cows are on E4 outside Trosa, reports Södermanland News.

    Police are on their way to check the cows.

    According to the Swedish Transport Administration, the cows have a “very large impact” on traffic.

  • Golf cart overturned on Ekerö

    During Monday afternoon, an ambulance was called to a golf course on Ekerö.

    – It is a golf cart that overturned, but it is not a police matter, says police spokesperson Robert Sennerdal.

    It is currently unclear whether anyone was injured, but there are no suspicions of crime.

  • Woman acted as drug courier for Foxtrot

    A woman is now being sentenced after acting as a drug courier. Archive image. Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

    A woman in her 30s acted as a drug courier. Now she is sentenced to five years in prison for a serious drug crime by the Örebro district court, writes Nerikes Allehanda.

    In the woman’s bedroom, the police found almost 14 kilos of cannabis in a moving box.

    The woman has admitted possession of the narcotics and that she transported cartons and bags to different places in the country. However, she states that she has been threatened and that she did not know the contents of what she had transported.

    According to P4 Örebro, the woman must have worked on behalf of the Foxtrot network. She is said to have previously worked in correctional services but had to quit after she started a relationship with an inmate.

    It was also how the woman entered a criminal path, writes the radio.

  • Cyclist to hospital – hit by car

    At lunchtime, a cyclist was hit by a car in Kristianstad.

    It is still unclear how the accident happened. The cyclist, a 25-year-old man, will be taken to hospital for a check-up, reports say Kristianstadsbladet.

    – The person will come with the ambulance, it seems that he was talkative, says Thomas Nordin, duty officer at the rescue service, to the newspaper.

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    1. Sunak = He’s rich as a troll, so if Larry got lobster, sirloin, that’s a good start 🙂 then Sunak kissed Larry 🙂 and Larry let him 🙂

    2. David Cameron = Larry cuddled on his lap 🙂


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    Hello Åsa! You’ll find an article here about Filippa who trains for free and another about how it’s done here.

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