Relieved Parents and Delighted Kids: Here’s the Relentless Way to Get Help at Home

Relieved Parents and Delighted Kids Heres the Relentless Way to

A mom of four has shared her ingenious way to get help with household chores, and the good news is that it works for everyone.

A little help around the house is always welcome! A tip from a mother to get her children involved in household chores is currently winning over internet users, and we can see why. She says she’s been using this method for over a year now, and it’s working wonders. So, what’s her miracle recipe?

When a large family has to live in the same house, it can be very difficult to manage household chores without crises, but also excess jealousy and other tantrums. So, to solve the problem, Kellie Henry, mother of four children, decided to set up a planning system. How does it work?

Each child is assigned a day of the week. This day of the week comes with both powers and responsibilities. For example, on Monday, the eldest will have to empty the dishwasher, take out the trash and feed the dog, but he will also have the right to choose his seat in the car, to decide with mom on the evening meal or to choose the cartoon for the family. Thus, the chores are done without discussion and the children are delighted to enjoy these benefits in turn. If the method works particularly well with large families, it can be adapted to siblings of two children for example. It will be enough to vary the chores and the rewards, so that everyone gets what they want.

The tip was widely praised by Internet users as they commented: “Very good lesson! Responsibilities come with privileges and privileges are earned”, “I have four too and this will take a lot of stress off me, thank you very much” or “That’s genius, thank you!”. So, get planning!
