How to quickly find a doctor on vacation?

How to quickly find a doctor on vacation

The solutions you need to know to receive treatment quickly (in France or abroad).

Are you or someone close to you sick on your holiday? Don’t panic, there are many ways to find a doctor and get treatment quickly. The first thing to do is to do a search on the Internet.All you have to do is type the word “doctor” followed by your location and the search engine will make relevant suggestions.explains Dr Sophie Bauer, doctor and president of the SML (Union of Liberal Doctors). You will find the contact details of the nearest doctors, with the precise opening hours of the practice. Often, it is possible to make an appointment via electronic diary. Otherwise, you can call the medical practice directly.

People who do not have Internet or are not used to using this tool can turn to community pharmacists, who are familiar with the surrounding medical ecosystem.Pharmacists often know which doctor is on vacation. They are a great help.“If you need a consultation within 48 hours or unscheduled care, you can call 15 and ask for the Sas (Unscheduled Care Service). “The 15 team will direct you to a doctor who is available and can see you within 48 hours..” Dr. Sophie Bauer recommends contacting 15 in the event of a medical emergency only in order to regulate emergency services. The team on the other end of the line will give you the best course of action. You can also note in advance the numbers dedicated to unscheduled care available on the website of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) in your region.

The most important thing when you go on holiday abroad

Apply for your European Health Insurance Card. In Europe, countries have agreements with France to cover any medical care. Don’t forget to apply for your European Health Insurance Card on the website and take it with you to assert your rights within the European Union” warns Dr. Sophie Bauer.

Take out private insurance at least 15 days before departure : “Outside Europe, I recommend taking out private health insurance. In the United States, for example, the cost of care is extremely high. Without insurance, debt is a possible reality. I even recommend extending your health insurance up to 1 to 2 days after your return date, in case of a flight delay for example. This way, you are fully covered, even the day after your return.“. It is advisable to take out health insurance at least 15 days before departure: insurers will not want to insure you once you are there or in the event of high risk. When you take out health insurance to travel abroad, your health card displays a number that puts you in contact with a network of doctors. This network directs you to a doctor or a local hospital.

On the Internet, It is possible to find a medical doctor and their addresses. Pharmacists in pharmacies are also likely to provide you with addresses of medical practices.

Take out repatriation insurance.In some countries, it is better to take out repatriation insurance. In the United Kingdom, for example, you have to go through a multitude of paramedical professionals before meeting a doctor. Access to a doctor is therefore tedious. It is sometimes better to be repatriated to France, as in the case of a fracture. In all cases, read the contracts carefully” emphasizes Dr. Sophie Bauer.

Before you leave on your trip, prepare a first aid kit containing medications suitable for your destination. To find out what medications to take, do not hesitate to ask your doctor for advice. The latter will also inform you about the recommended vaccinations, depending on your vacation spot.Be careful if you are taking the plane, place your first aid kit in your checked baggage, because level 2 painkillers such as TRAMADOL or TOPALGIC are not allowed. Aspirin and paracetamol generally do not pose a problem. If you are being treated for an illness, ask your doctor for a prescription, to place with your treatments. Injectable devices, for diabetes for example or adrenaline syringes for people with allergies, should be entrusted to the flight attendants..”
