MPs by party, key positions… The complete composition

what composition on July 7 532 outgoing MPs campaigning

Who are the deputies elected during the last legislative elections? Who are the elected officials who have gained access to the most prestigious positions in the National Assembly?

The National Assembly has officially been at work since July 18, 2024, the opening day of the new legislature. The 577 elected deputies have a 5-year term, it is not excluded, however, given the political crisis, that a new dissolution will occur as early as 2025, the president being authorized by the Constitution to proceed with a new one from June 9. Until then, the elected deputies are irremovable. The legislative elections of June 30 and July 7 gave the following results:

  • NFP: 182 seats
  • TOGETHER : 168 seats
  • RN and allies: 143 seats
  • LR: 46 seats
  • DVD : 14 seats
  • DVG (excluding NFP): 13 seats
  • DVC and regionalists: 10 seats
  • Others : 1 seat

Who are the deputies who make up the National Assembly?

The legislative elections have renewed the composition of the National Assembly in an unprecedented way: no political party has an absolute majority in the lower house of Parliament. While the left united within the New Popular Front has the largest group in terms of the number of deputies, it only has a very relative majority preventing it from governing without the agreement or implicit support of at least 90 other deputies.

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Who is elected to key positions in the National Assembly?

The Bureau of the Assembly has a total of 22 members. With 12 representatives, the left united under the label of the New Popular Front has an absolute majority, the rest of the seats being divided between the groups of the presidential camp, the Republican Right, and Liot’s independents.

Who is the President of the National Assembly?

Yaël Braun-Pivet was elected president of the National Assembly with 220 votes (13 votes ahead of her main competitor, the communist André Chassaigne).

Who are the vice presidents?

The deputies elected former vice-president Naïma Moutchou (Horizons), LFI-NFP deputies Clémence Guetté and Nadège Abomangoli, deputies from the Republican Right group (ex-LR) Xavier Breton and Annie Genevard, as well as the resigning minister Roland Lescure (EPR). The vice-presidents also have a role, like the president, to ensure the smooth running of debates and to settle certain disputes between deputies.

Who are the quaestors of the National Assembly?

Christine Pires Beaune (PS), Brigitte Klinkert (Ensemble pour la République) and Michèle Tabarot (Droite républicaine) were elected to these positions. This is the first time in history that three women have held these positions in the Assembly. The quaestors are largely responsible for the Assembly’s budgets.

Who are the secretaries of the Assembly?

Stéphane Peu and Mereana Reid Arbelot (Democratic and Republican Left), Sébastien Peytavie, Sabrina Sebaihi and Eva Sas (Ecologist and Social group), Gabriel Amard and Farida Amrani (LFI-NFP), Iñaki Echaniz and Sophie Pantel (PS), Lise Magnier (Horizons), Christophe Naegelen and Laurent Panifous (Liot) were appointed secretaries.
