He threatened Turkey on live TV! Greek Health Minister Georgiadis crossed the line: “We will come to Ankara suddenly one night”

He threatened Turkey on live TV Greek Health Minister Georgiadis

First Dendias, now Georgiadis! Greek ministers have been making one after another these days, making insolent statements targeting Turkey. The Minister of Health crossed the line by threatening Turkey on live TV.


Recently, Greek Defense Minister Nikos Dendias targeted the Cyprus Peace Operation and the Turkish military presence in the region with the following words at a press conference he held in Southern Cyprus:

“Today marks 50 years since the 15th of July 1974, when the ethnically genocidal junta coup in Cyprus opened the door to the lurking occupier. I express my deepest respect and patriotic gratitude to the Cypriot and Greek democracy fighters and the unequal struggle against the invasion in 1974. They faced far superior military forces under the weight of the fratricidal criminal coup. We remember them with respect and honour their contributions over time. And of course we condemn in the strongest possible terms the shame-fest of the Turkish Cypriots and the illegal presence of the Turkish occupying army in Cyprus for half a century.”


Dendias’ statements received harsh reactions from Turkey one after another. President Erdoğan also touched upon Dendias’ statement during his visit to Cyprus and said:

“Unfortunately, in the south of the island, there is a spoiled mentality that sees itself as the sole ruler of the island of Cyprus. The Greek leader attends ceremonies commemorating the EOKA terrorists. When our Turkish Cypriot brothers cross to the south, they are attacked, mosques in the south are torched. Unfortunately, the Greek Minister of Defense made some mind-boggling statements recently. We met with Mr. Mitsotakis and said to him, ‘We will be in Northern Cyprus on the 20th, I heard that you are in the south too, I guess you will not harass us…’ He said he did not think of such a thing.”



Following Dendias’ outrageous words, a wild threat came from Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis. Georgiadis, who was a live broadcast guest on Open channel, said, “We can come to Ankara suddenly one night with F-35s.”


As if these scandalous words were not enough, Georgiadis also claimed that “Turkey is zero in aviation.”This content was published by Hazar Gönüllü
