These new temporary usufruct funds which arouse curiosity – L’Express

These new temporary usufruct funds which arouse curiosity – LExpress

The management company France Valley has just launched two funds that should interest savers looking for additional income. France Valley Usu Sélect and Club Usu Sélect are composed of temporary usufructs of SCPIs. A strategy previously reserved for institutional investors and which is now accessible to a greater number of people, subject to a minimum investment of 100,000 euros. “By becoming a usufructuary investor, you get good visibility on the performance of the underlying asset, which is completely independent of the evolution of real estate,” emphasizes Arnaud Filhol, CEO of France Valley.

For ten years, the temporary dismemberment of SCPI shares has been growing: many investors acquire the bare ownership of these products, in exchange for a discount on the purchase price, to regain full ownership once retired and receive, at that time, additional income. France Valley is the overwhelming majority purchaser of all usufructs resulting from this dismemberment. It is these latter which will be housed in its new media.

READ ALSO: Real estate: SCPIs arrive at BoursoBank

Marketed until the end of the year, these vehicles will pay coupons quarterly, until the extinction of the usufructs in the portfolio. “80 to 90% of these funds will be extinguished within ten years, the average duration of temporary dismemberments, and we will pay the last coupons within fifteen years,” specifies Arnaud Filhol. The yield should be slightly higher than that of the market, 4.52% last year.
