Inmates have started a lifelong strike to denounce their prison conditions

Inmates have started a lifelong strike to denounce their prison

In Senegal, prisoners at the Liberté 6 Penal Camp in Dakar began a hunger strike on Friday, July 19. They are demanding a visit from the Minister of Justice and an end to the mistreatment, which takes the form of beatings and aggression, of which they say they are victims at the hands of guards.

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With our correspondent in Dakar, Gwendal Lavina

At Senegalaccording to the prisoners, everything started with a mutiny that took place on June 19. On that day, the search of the cells was tense and clashes broke out with the guards. Since then, prisoners have been transferred to Rebeuss prison and those who remain in the penal camp denounce death in circumstances “ doubtful ” of one of their own, after his transfer. The prisoners also face guards who ” have a grudge against them “, according to the Association for the Support and Social Reintegration of Prisoners (Asred).

The hunger strike is therefore the only legal way to make oneself heard, according to its president Ibrahima Sall. Because the prisoners have no means, they cannot throw stones at the prison officers. They cannot fight with the guards. Their only weapon is the hunger strike, which has a very specific goal: to make people understand that we are not animals. We are human beings. We accept our fate, but come to our rescue “, did he declare.

For the prison administration contacted by RFI, the accusations made by the detainees are unfounded. Asred demands commitments from the authorities to improve detention conditions. This is a responsibility that the authorities must assume. We also request a visit by the Minister of Justice to inquire about the situation of these individuals. “, explained Ibrahima Sall.

The detainees say their hunger strike will continue until the minister visits them.

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